I'm using remotipart to upload and upgrade images using ajax, the problem is when I edit an item, ajax updates the data, but remotipart(https://github.com/leppert/remotipart) returns a 'parse error' for image update.
This is how my form looks like:
= form_for(Achievement.new), html: {multipart: true , remote: true} do |f|
= f.text_field :name
= f.text_area :description
= f.file_field :image
= f.submit 'Send'
I'm using a single form to create, edit and delete the 'Achievements'. Here's my js:
constructor: ->
$('.edit_button').click ->
$.ajaxSettings.dataType = "json"
@id = $(this).data('id')
@content = $(this).parent()
@name = $('.form_achievement #name')
@description = $('.form_achievement #description')
@image = $('.form_achievement .avatar img')
@button = $('.form_achievement form input:submit')
@form = $('.form_achievement form')
#Load data to edit on form
type: 'get'
url: "/en/private/achievements/#{@id}/edit/"
success: (data) =>
alert 'edit'
@image.prop 'src', data.image
#Change method of the form to put and bind event
$.ajaxSettings.dataType = "json"
$('.form_achievement form').attr('action', "/en/private/achievements/#{@id}")
$('#achievement_form.accordion .form_achievement').unbind('click', NewAchievement)
@form.bind 'ajax:success', (xhr, data, status) =>
@content.slideUp 'slow', ->
alert 'Edit'
@form.bind 'ajax:error', (event, response, error) =>
alert error
@button.bind 'change', => @changeButton()
error: (data) ->
alert 'error'
changeButton: ->
This solves my problem when I'm trying to do an edit without change image, but when I do an edit trying to upgrade to a new image, returns me a 'parse error'. Can anyone help me?