I want to get the id of a newly inserted docuement in the callback of meteor.collection.insert.
I insert the Doc as follows:
Meteor.call('createDoc', {
key1: value1,
key2: value2
The createDoc function looks like that:
Meteor.methods createDoc: (options) ->
key1: options.value1
key2: options.value2
, callback(error, result)
callback = (error,result) ->
console.log result
The Documentation says:
callback Function
Optional. If present, called with an error object as the first argument and,
if no error,the _id as the second.
So I expect result to return the new id, but am getting a Reference Error saying that error and result are not defined. What am I getting wrong here? Any help is much apprecated.
BenjaminRH is right about the easier, more likely way to do this. However, there are times when you need the server to do the work, and/or some who insist that is the only way to do database work even in meteor, and here's how your code would do that:
# server code
Meteor.methods createDoc: (options) ->
created = incidents.insert
key1: options.value1
key2: options.value2
# on client code
Meteor.call 'createDoc', info, (err, data) ->
if err
console.log JSON.stringify err,null,2
Session.set('added doc', data )
# and something reactive in waiting for session to have 'added doc'
You mostly have the right idea, but you're confusing a couple of things. Currently, your Meteor method isn't returning anything, because you're calling the insert asynchronously by providing a callback. Asynchronous method returns can be done, but it's a lot more complicated than you need for something this simple (checkout this excellent async guide for more info).
Instead of having a callback, you can use the insert method without a callback and assign that to a variable, like var incidentId = Incidents.insert({ ... });
-- return that.
Then, in the client-side callback for the Meteor.call
, the result should be the _id.
From client side, your callback function result will return last inserted object id if you return from Meteor.methods.
Meteor.call('addURL', url, function (error, result) {
urlId = result;
addURL : function(url) {
return URL.insert(url);
urlId has the id of last inserted object.