How can I listen to angular component binding change and perform actions?
.component('myComponent', {
templateUrl: 'some.html',
controller: MyController,
controllerAs: 'myCtrl',
bindings: {
items: '<'
now when items
changes I want to perform another action using this value,
How can I do it?
now when items changes I want to perform another action using this value,
How can I do it?
But I want to avoid using the dying $scope
If you don't want to use $scope
you can use a property setter to detect any changes e.g. :
class MyController {
private _items: string[] = []
set items(value:string[]){
this._items = value;
console.log('Items changed:',value);
get items():string[]{
return this._items;
const ctrl = new MyController();
ctrl.items = ['hello','world']; // will also log to the console
Please note that you shouldn't use it for complex logic (reasons :