I am using Sencha touch 2.4.2 and Sencha Cmd is 6.0.2.
I am using command
sencha app build package
I am getting following error on build
Sencha Cmd v6.0.2.14
[ERR] Found extra positional argument package
This question is already asked on
But there is no any answer .
On issuing Below help Command
sencha help app build
lists following
sencha app build [production|testing|native|package]
I am issuing same command but there is error
Any help please .
You should run it without name first for "sencha app build", then can continue for platforms. I guess it already makes each platforms which mentioned in config file. So do not need to build each platform. just execute sencha app build and emulate it. ;)
Try this, Redirect into your project folder Example: D:\Test\CordovaWithSencha\sencha app build -press enter key.
now your project will build successfully.
For running your application follow same command as D:\Test\CordovaWithSencha\sencha app run -press enter.
The command has been changed from "sencha app build package" to "sencha build package"
Although this question is quite old:
options need to come before the environment. So:
sencha app build --destination mydest production
Its somewhat hidden in the help in the last line:
sencha app build [options] [theme|locale|build]... [environment]