
Magento - remove shipping & handling when using Fr

2020-07-31 09:44发布


I have the following issue: I have to main shipping methods. The first one charges a $10 shipping fee for orders below $200. The second method is the default freeshipping, which applies for orders over $200.

When freeshipping is applied, the Shipping & Handling subtotal displays 0.00, and I don't want this line to show up neither in the checkout nor in the invoice.

Is there any way to remove the shipping & handling line completely when freeshipping is used?

Thanks in advance for any thoughts.


I dislike filtering things like this by code. So I came up with a solution overriding Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping::fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)


class Me_MyModule_Model_Sales_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping
  extends Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping
     * Add shipping totals information to address object
     * @param   Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address
     * @return  Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address_Total_Shipping
    public function fetch(Mage_Sales_Model_Quote_Address $address)
        if ($address->getShippingAmount() == 0) {
            return $this;

        return parent::fetch($address);


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remove the shipping line from the cart and checkout you can override this method Mage_Checkout_Block_Cart_Totals::renderTotal()

public function renderTotal($total, $area = null, $colspan = 1)
    $code = $total->getCode();
    if ($total->getAs()) {
        $code = $total->getAs();
   if ($code == 'shipping' && $total->getValue() == 0) {
       return '';
    return $this->_getTotalRenderer($code)
        ->setRenderingArea(is_null($area) ? -1 : $area)

For more reference review this link http://www.magentocommerce.com/boards/viewthread/295412/#t410854