Consider a command like
yum install boto
When I execute in terminal, to proceed is asks me for yes/no
Can I respond to it in python like
os.system("yum install boto")
Next "Yes"
is to be passed to terminal through the same python code so that it installs. Well, I dont think this works. If it is written after tha above statement
Please tell me if this is possible?
You can use subprocess.Popen and write to stdin, you need the -S
flag for sudo then just the rest of the commands.
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
import getpass
pwd = getpass.getpass()
proc = Popen(['sudo', '-S', rest of commands ],stdout=PIPE, stdin=PIPE, stderr=PIPE,universal_newlines=True)
out,err = proc.communicate(input="{}\n".format("yes"))
You can add a pipe and do
yes | os.system("yum install boto")
it will repeat yes until the command is done