I have a select
in a form
in the Layout of my web app that needs to be accessible from every page. The form sets a session variable that is required to load data on every page.
<form asp-page-handler="CustomerChange" method="post" class="navbar-form navbar-left">
<select name="Customer" id="Customer" class="form-control" onchange="this.form.submit()">
<option value="">Select Customer</option>
<option value="Vand">Vandalay</option>
<option value="Kram">Kramerica</option>
I know I can make a base PageModel
and inherit from that on every page in order to respond to a OnPost
public abstract class BaseSecurePageModel : PageModel
public string Customer { get; set; }
public virtual void OnPostCustomerChange()
HttpContext.Session.SetString("Customer", Customer);
but this doesn't lend itself to having the model binded to the form and also requires that I remember to inherit from the base class in every page. Is there a correct way to handle forms that need to be available everywhere?
Try using a Controller instead and have your CustomerChange ActionResult specify a [Route()]. I use a Controller for most of my Layout items such as shopping carts, localization etc... in razor pages and works pretty well.
// Updated answer based on feedback from Steven B.
Below is an example of the localization I spoke about above. The form triggers a post against the SetLanguage method in the BaseController.cs
In the _Layout.cshtml file I have, in this instance, a partial view:
@Html.Partial("_SetLanguagePartial") // Used prior to .net core 2.1
<partial name="_SetLanguagePartial" /> // Used for .net core 2.1+
The html inside this _SetLanguagePartial.cshtml contains a form with the corresponding asp-controller and asp-action
<form id="selectLanguage" asp-controller="Base" asp-action="SetLanguage" asp-route-returnUrl="@returnUrl" method="post" class="form-horizontal" role="form">
<ul class="list-inline">
@foreach (var culture in cultureItems)
var countryIcon = "usa.png";
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-sm btn-link" name="culture" title="@culture.Text" value="@culture.Value">
@switch (culture.Text)
case "Japanese" :
countryIcon = "japan.png";
case "Spanish" :
countryIcon = "spain.png";
<img src="@Configuration["BlobStorage:StorageUrl"]/images/@countryIcon" alt="@culture.Text"/>
public class BaseController : Controller
public IActionResult GetCartViewComponent()
return ViewComponent("Cart");
public IActionResult SetLanguage(string culture, string returnUrl)
CookieRequestCultureProvider.MakeCookieValue(new RequestCulture(culture)),
new CookieOptions { Expires = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.AddYears(1)}
return LocalRedirect(returnUrl);