I'm having some difficulty using these three technologies together.
Cron entry:
* * * * * /usr/bin/python /path/to/python/email/program.py
Python program:
1 #!/usr/bin/python
3 import imaplib
4 import os
5 import sys
6 import pynotify
8 if not pynotify.init('Emails'):
9 sys.exit(1)
11 with open('/path/to/python/email/count.tmp', 'r') as file:
12 data = int(file.read().strip())
13 client = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('mail.sever.com', '993')
14 client.login('user@server.com', 'password')
15 client.select()
17 unseen = client.search(None, 'UnSeen')[1][0].split()
19 if unseen[0] == '':
20 pass
21 else:
22 if len(unseen) != data:
23 n = pynotify.Notification(str(len(unseen) - data) + " New Messages",
24 str(len(unseen)) + " Unread Messages",
25 "file:///path/to/python/email/mail.png")
26 if not n.show():
27 print "Fail"
28 sys.exit(1)
30 with open('/path/to/python/email/count.tmp', 'w') as file:
31 file.write(str(len(unseen)))
The script works correctly when run by itself, but it will not run when scheduled as a cron job. I checked the syslog and it says the script is being run, and I've run as sudo the line from the log to verify.
I've checked
Execute python Script on Crontab
Cron with notify-send
but neither, nor further links seem to address this combination.
Any thoughts?
-Update 1-
As pynotify seems not to allow the program to work at all, I've replaced their calls with an os.system call. At least this updates the small tmp file, but still no notify.
os.system('/usr/bin/X11/notify-send "{} New Messages" "{} Unread Messages"'.format(len(unseen) - data, len(unseen))
-Update 2-
/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gtk-2.0/gtk/__init__.py:57: GtkWarning: could not open display
warnings.warn(str(e), _gtk.Warning)
** (other.py:16509): WARNING **: Command line `dbus-launch --autolaunch=91bdcc4a583bfb56734fbe1200000010 --binary-syntax --close-stderr' exited with non-zero exit status 1: Autolaunch error: X11 initialization failed.\n