I want to change config of log on Golang application which run on K8S, I’ve tried the following code locally and it works as expected I'm using viper to watch for config file changes
This is the config map with the log configuration
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
config.yaml: 'log.level: error'
name: app-config
namespace: logger
In the deployment yaml I’ve added the following
- name: gowebapp
image: mvd/myapp:0.0.3
- containerPort: 80
- configMapRef:
name: app-config
This is the code
package configuration
import (
const (
varLogLevel = "log.level
varPathToConfig = "config.file"
type Configuration struct {
v *viper.Viper
func New() *Configuration {
c := Configuration{
v: viper.New(),
c.v.SetDefault(varPathToConfig, "./config.yaml")
c.v.SetDefault(varLogLevel, "info")
err := c.v.ReadInConfig() // Find and read the config file
logrus.WithField("path", c.GetPathToConfig()).Warn("loading config")
if _, ok := err.(*os.PathError); ok {
logrus.Warnf("no config file '%s' not found. Using default values", c.GetPathToConfig())
} else if err != nil { // Handle other errors that occurred while reading the config file
panic(fmt.Errorf("fatal error while reading the config file: %s", err))
c.v.OnConfigChange(func(e fsnotify.Event) {
logrus.WithField("file", e.Name).Warn("Config file changed")
return &c
// GetLogLevel returns the log level
func (c *Configuration) GetLogLevel() string {
s := c.v.GetString(varLogLevel)
return s
// GetPathToConfig returns the path to the config file
func (c *Configuration) GetPathToConfig() string {
return c.v.GetString(varPathToConfig)
func setLogLevel(logLevel string) {
logrus.WithField("level", logLevel).Warn("setting log level")
level, err := logrus.ParseLevel(logLevel)
if err != nil {
logrus.WithField("level", logLevel).Fatalf("failed to start: %s", err.Error())
Now when I apply the yaml file again and changing the value from error
to warn
or debug
Nothing change … any idea what I miss here ?
I see in the K8S dashboard that the config map is assigned to the application and when I change the value I see that the env was changed...
when run it locally I use the following config just for testing
but when using config map I've used the data
entry according to the spec of configmap ...
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
log.level: 'warn'
# config.yaml: 'log.level: error'
name: app-config
This is how the config env looks in k8s dashboard