My need to store a a huge amount of data in the key-value form.
Also, I have two requirements
- query data via the index, like from an array.
- hence the order in the data structure must be preserved.
For Requirement 2 - I can use a LinkedHashMap.
For Requirement 1 - I have two options :
- 1.1 | To implement an ArrayList Of HashMap. [
- 1.2 | To implement a LinkedHashMap and query the items by index using something like
- ->
new ArrayList(hashMapObject.entrySet()).get(0);
The Question is which is better among 1.1
or 1.2
By better, I mean - efficient in terms of memory and space.
Let's assume the volume of data is in the order of 50 to 100 key-value pairs with average sized Strings - say every key is 10-30 characters and value is 30-50 characters.
Try using SortedMap.
For example:
SortedMap<Key, Value> map = new TreeMap<Key, Value>();
This way you get the fast lookup time (via key), but they also remain ordered.
You can then iterate over the data like so:
for(Key k : map.keySet()) {
I used them recently to analyze 10s millions tweets where the key was a date, and the value was a counter. I wanted to maintain the ordering of the dates.
update If you can get by with just itereating over the data, then my method will suffice. Perhaps you could supply a small example? If it's absolutely required that you can reference the data by index as well, it seems like you would just want to maintain two datastructures like @Jim mentioned. I'ved had to do that before.
Remember that collections do not contain the objects, only references to objects.
Use two collections:
- An
to store the references for access by index
- A
to store the references for access by key
For example:
List<MyValue> list = new ArrayList<MyValue>(100000);
Map<MyKey,MyValue> map = new HashMap<MyKey,MyValue>(100000);
while(moreItems) {
// read input
MyKey key = ...
MyValue value = ...
// lookup by index
MyValue v1 = list.get(11241);
// lookup by key
MyValue v2 = map.get(someKey);
If you need to cross-reference (i.e. given a value object, find its index or its key) you have some options:
- Save the index and key in the the value object itself
- Wrap the value in a "handle" that contains the key and index.
For example
class Wrapper {
MyKey key;
MyValue value;
int index;
// constructor, getters and setters
int index=0;
while(moreItems) {
// read input
MyKey key = ...
MyValue value = ...
Wrapper w = new Wrapper(key,value,index++);
Wrapper w = list.get(23410);
MyKey k = w.getKey();
MyValue v = w.getValue();
int i = w.getIndex();
I think the LinkedHashMap is the best solution, but to get the item, you can use
However, the toArray method will be slow for large amounts of data. But that is something you'll have to test.
If speed is really an issue, you can maintain a HashMap and an ArrayList.
I went with experimentating it myself. Turns out the method of creating an ArrayList of HashMaps is about 40 times faster with 1000 elements.
public class HashMapVsArrayOfHashMap {
public static void main(String[] args){
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> listOfMaps=new ArrayList<HashMap<String,String>>();
for( int i=0;i<1000;i++){
final int finalI=i;
listOfMaps.add(new HashMap<String, String>(){{put("asdfasdfasdfasdfadsf"+finalI,"asdfsdafasdfsadfasdf"+finalI);}});
LinkedHashMap<String, String> map=new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
for(int i=0;i<1000;i++)
int position=700;
private static void testArrayList(String string, int position,
ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> listOfMaps) {
long start, end;
System.out.println(string+"|Difference = "+(end-start));
private static void testHashMap(String string, int position,
LinkedHashMap<String, String> map) {
long start, end;
String s= new ArrayList<String>(map.keySet()).get(position);
System.out.println(string+"|Difference = "+(end-start));
When you increase the size to 30,000 elements - the difference is HUGE.