
Is there an alternative to youtube.search.list for

2020-07-30 03:30发布


Since the YouTube Data v3 API has a quota limit and youtube.search.* has a minimum impact of 100 quota (which is a lot considering you only get 10000/day to start with) is there an alternative to the youtube.search.list function to query active LiveStreams for another (non authorised) channel by ID?


This consumes the said minimum of 100 quota per request. I had previously used the youtube.search.list API too to monitor normal uploads but I found out that I can replace that with youtube.activities, I hope there is a good replacement to using youtube.search.list for Livestreams I don't run too.

I need/want this because my client (a simple discord bot) which has the function to automatically announce new uploads or announce livestreams for one specific channel, should have somewhat up-to-date data. Using the youtube.search.list API for this would limit me to only refreshing this data once every 30 minutes or so and before I go down that path I'll just omit automatic Livestream checking :/


Maybe you should change your application model:

Instead of regularly pulling -- at a constant rate, but unsatisfactory due to limitations imposed by default quotas -- a channel's uploads list via the API's search endpoint or something else (e.g. the activities endpoint or the playlistItems endpoint queried for the channel's uploads list), make use of the so-called API push notifications.

It is a more involved solution with different upfront requirements, but, if indeed you need real time announcements, then that will suit you more effectively, I think.