I've built a Python/Flask based REST API using the connexion module. This working well as defining the REST API with with swagger.yml file works very well. The application is running, but when I navigate to /ui all I get in my browser is this:
I haven't disabled the UI, so I'm not sure what's going on and why the UI isn't being displayed. My application doesn't have a /static folder (it's only an API), so the app isn't serving any static files, not sure if that's related to the problem or not.
Any suggestions, pointers or hints about what I'm doing wrong would be most appreciated!
Here is a simplified example of my code:
# 3rd party libraries
from flask_cors import CORS
import connexion
def create_app(config_key, instance_config=None):
# create the connexion instance
connex_app = connexion.FlaskApp(__name__, specification_dir='./files/swagger/')
connex_app.server = 'gevent'
# get the Flask app instance
app = connex_app.app
# configure the application
# add CORS support to application
# define the API with the SWAGGER API definition YAML file
base_path='{url_prefix}'.format(url_prefix=app.config.get('URL_PREFIX', '/')),
return connex_app
def production_app(instance_config=None):
app = create_app('api_config.ProductionConfig', instance_config)
return app
if __name__ == '__main__':
app = create_app('api_config.DevelopmentConfig')
port = 5001
logger.info('Line Controller API running on port %s', port)
app.run(host='', port=port)
Thanks in advance, Doug