Hi guys I'm sorry to bother you with this but I'm starting to loose it here.. I have recently started programming in C again and I have run into some kind bug that just I can't figure out.. My C program is(should be) an easy one, so it needs to do the following: An undefined number of natural elements is read form the keyboard until a 0 is read. After that it has to compute the product of all elements and compute the number of 0-s on the end of that result..
int input(int* v) {
int n = 0;
n = n + 1;
v = (int*) realloc(v,n*sizeof(int)); printf("Enter number %d: ",n); scanf("%d",&v[n-1]);
while(v[n-1] != 0);
return n; }
int tZeros(int* v, int eNb) {
int i;
int val = 1;
for(i = 0; i < eNb; i++)
val = val * v[i];
while(val % 10 == 0)
return i; }
int main (int argc, char** argv) {
int* v = NULL;
int eNb = input(&(*v));
int zeros = tZeros(v, eNb);
printf("The number of ending zeros in the product of the given numbers is: %d",zeros);
printf("No elements to do computations with!\n");
return 0;
The input function should return two things: The number of elements and the actual elements in the dynamic array.. But after the input function runs the values entered there are all lost.. I pass the argument into input as a pointer so it should change the values at the correct addresses right?
All suggestions are welcome! Thnx!
P.s. I think the problem is with my array v.. after exiting the input function it looses all values..