
System Tray Pop up menu item with Image(Icon to th

2020-07-30 02:17发布


I read the system tray tutorial and this similar Stack Overflow question but can't find a good answer. I want to add an image to menu item in J2SE application. In the tutorial, MenuItem is used, but I couldn't find how to add icons to menu items in SystemTray pop up. If JMenuItem is used, icons can easily be placed in MenuItems, but there is MenuItem. How can I add an image to my system tray popmenu?

UpdatedHere, I want to add an image to MenuItem in the popup menu(not to the SystemTray.)


You can use a JPopupMenu with your TrayIcon (read here).

trayIcon.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
        public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            if (e.isPopupTrigger()) {
                jpopup.setLocation(e.getX(), e.getY());


SystemTray have gor implemented simple syntax

TrayIcon(Image, "Narrative", JPopupMenu);

there no required add any additional Listener for displaying JPopupMenu