Magento: Programatically update cart via event

2020-07-30 02:47发布


I'm hooking into the sales_quote_save_after event disaptcher. Firstly as a test I'm trying to get the items in the cart and change their prices to 0. After I do that I'll be building in some other stuff.

I'm having trouble. I can change the unit price no problem, but when I go to recalculate the cart totals the prices are reverting back to the original price.

public function sales_quote_save_before($observer) {

    if (Mage::registry('basket_observer_executed')) {
        return $this;

    $quote = $observer->getEvent()->getQuote();

    foreach ($quote->getAllItems() as $item) {
        if($item->getId()) {    

    Mage::register('basket_observer_executed', true);


Can anyone point me towards maintaining the new price whilst doing the recalculation of the totals?


I'd try using a different event. I always use checkout_cart_save_after for doing similar actions.Using the event I mentioned, use the following code:

$cart = $observer->getData('cart');

$quote = $cart->getData('quote');

$items = $quote->getAllVisibleItems();

foreach($items as $item)