Following the docs I was able to implement custom error handlers in my application by overriding methods in the GlobalSettings class:
public Promise<Result> onBadRequest(RequestHeader request, String error) {
return Promise.<Result> pure(Results.notFound(
public Promise<Result> onHandlerNotFound(RequestHeader request) {
return Promise.<Result> pure(Results.notFound(
public Promise<Result> onError(RequestHeader request, Throwable t) {
return Promise.<Result> pure(Results.notFound(
However I only want these to be used in production and not in development, as the errors being displayed in the browser are quite useful.
I am able to detect whether the application is in dev mode using:
boolen isDev = play.api.Play.isDev(play.api.Play.current());
However I cannot call the default error pages as I do not know how. How do you call the default error pages? I have looked at the code here, but my Scala is poor and I cannot seem to get it working. The parts that I though I should port to java in my global object were:
private def defaultErrorHandler: HttpErrorHandler = {
Play.maybeApplication.fold[HttpErrorHandler](DefaultHttpErrorHandler) { app =>
def onError(request: RequestHeader, ex: Throwable): Future[Result] =
defaultErrorHandler.onServerError(request, ex)
def onHandlerNotFound(request: RequestHeader): Future[Result] =
defaultErrorHandler.onClientError(request, play.api.http.Status.NOT_FOUND)
def onBadRequest(request: RequestHeader, error: String): Future[Result] =
defaultErrorHandler.onClientError(request, play.api.http.Status.BAD_REQUEST, error)
But I cannot port this as things like Play.maybeApplication
cannot be resoled (are they protected)?!?
I'm sure this should be an easy one but I'm a bit stuck.
Also as a side note can anyone explain the existence of these docs that seem to suggest that the error handling will completely change in 2.4.x :S, I assume that this question will be short lived until 2.4 gets released?