I have this parsed text in this format, I got it by using Standford nlp.
(NP (DT A) (NN passenger) (NN plane))
(VP (VBZ has)
(VP (VBD crashed)
(ADVP (RB shortly))
(PP (IN after)
(NP (NN take-off))
(PP (IN from)
(NP (NNP Kyrgyzstan) (`` `) (NNP scapital) (, ,) (NNP Bishkek)))))
(, ,)
(VP (VBG killing)
(NP (DT a) (JJ large) (NN number))
(PP (IN of)
(NP (DT those))
(PP (IN on)
(NP (NN board)))))))))
(. .)))
det(plane-3, A-1)
nn(plane-3, passenger-2)
nsubj(crashed-5, plane-3)
aux(crashed-5, has-4)
root(ROOT-0, crashed-5)
advmod(crashed-5, shortly-6)
prep_after(crashed-5, take-off-8)
nn(Bishkek-14, Kyrgyzstan-10)
nn(Bishkek-14, scapital-12)
prep_from(take-off-8, Bishkek-14)
dep(crashed-5, killing-16)
det(number-19, a-17)
amod(number-19, large-18)
dobj(killing-16, number-19)
prep_of(number-19, those-21)
prep_on(those-21, board-23)
I am trying to construct an RDF graph and I need a tool or a library to extract triplet (subject,object,predicate) from it.