I've written a PowerShell module that we use in our Azure Pipeline that will bind an SSL Certificate to a custom hostname. I am able to get the module working locally, including the inline script that I use in the pipeline to initialize the module. When I run the script locally, I do not get any errors. When I use the same script in the pipeline I receive the following error:
2019-07-16T23:00:40.3007294Z ##[error]Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
I'm not using parameter sets, so I'm not sure why it is complaining. What is the reason I am able to execute my code locally and not in the release pipeline? Is the parameter set error really a complaint about something else?
Again, I've tested this locally. All of my parameters are required, so I'm not specifying a ParameterSet, though, I did set one up just in case, and I got the same error.
This is the script I use in the release pipeline using an Azure Powershell Task after I successfully import my module. I know my variable declarations are correct because I have tested them and they output fine (both locally and in the pipeline):
The error happens when the task hits this line in the script:
Enable-SslStateOnWebapp -WebappName $webappName -customWebappHostname $webAppCustomHostname -existingKeyvaultName $existingVaultName -existingKeyvaultCertName $certName
$myVars = '$(armDeploymentOutput)' | ConvertFrom-Json
Write-Host "The following variables are available: $($myVars)" -Verbose
$existingVaultName = $myVars.existingKeyVaultName.value
if ($webappName -and $webAppCustomHostname -and $existingVaultName -and $certName) {
Write-Host "Attempting to enable SSL Binding for $($webappName) on the hostname $($webAppCustomHostname) using cert $($certName) from the existing keyvault of $($existingVaultName)." -Verbose
Enable-SslStateOnWebapp -WebappName $webappName -customWebappHostname $webAppCustomHostname -existingKeyvaultName $existingVaultName -existingKeyvaultCertName $certName
else {
Write-Host "Insufficient parameters have been provided to complete SSL Binding. To enable SSL binding, please provide a custom hostname, an existing keyvault where your certificate is stored, and the name of your certificate. Please visit the readme for more information." -Verbose
This is the PowerShell module that is initialized:
function Enable-SslStateOnWebapp {
param (
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'A webapp name is required.')]
[string] $WebappName,
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'The FQDN of the custom hostname you want to bind.')]
[string] $customWebappHostname,
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'A name for an existing Keyvault is required.')]
[string] $existingKeyvaultName,
Mandatory = $true,
HelpMessage = 'A name of the pfx certificate stored in the pre-existing keyvault')]
[string] $existingKeyVaultCertName
#getting webapp resources
$webapp = Get-AzureRmResource -Name $webappName
#obtaining resource group resources through the use of resource group name tied to webapp
$rg = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName $webapp.ResourceGroupName
My expected result is that the build pipeline would execute the script without errors. Instead, I get passing results locally (which makes this obviously difficult to debug, and then in the pipeline I get the following debug logging:
2019-07-16T23:00:39.1496157Z ##[debug]Caught exception from task script.
2019-07-16T23:00:39.1536232Z ##[debug]Error record:
2019-07-16T23:00:39.1993172Z ##[debug]Enable-SslStateOnWebapp : Parameter set cannot be resolved using the specified named parameters.
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2927954Z ##[debug]At D:\agent3\_work\_temp\7be280f0-5905-4e05-99e0-972c90739a12.ps1:13 char:5
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2930113Z ##[debug]+ Enable-SslStateOnWebapp -WebappName $webappName -customWebappHost ...
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2940404Z ##[debug]+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2940886Z ##[debug] + CategoryInfo : InvalidArgument: (:) [Enable-SslStateOnWebapp], ParameterBindingException
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2941287Z ##[debug] + FullyQualifiedErrorId : AmbiguousParameterSet,Enable-SslStateOnWebapp
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2941647Z ##[debug]
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2941968Z ##[debug]Script stack trace:
2019-07-16T23:00:40.2942368Z ##[debug]at Enable-SslStateOnWebapp, D:\agent3\_work\r6\a\_infra-grs-referenceapp\drop\pwsh-modules\grs-arm\enable-ssl_state_on_webapp\enable-ssl_state_on_webapp.ps1: line 64
I checked if there are hidden unix characters, since I'm developing locally on a Mac, there are none:
Unix-hidden character check