I have anaconda distribution installed on a computer without connection to the internet.
i have created a new environment and activated it
using the following commands:
conda install -p c:\python\test_env --offline
and then
conda activate c:\python\test_env
Could you please instruct me how to install into this new environment
the following items,
including their dependencies,
all from (base) environment:
jupyter lab
Clone it (but first delete test_env
to start fresh):
conda create --name test_env --clone base
This'll carry over all libraries, packages, and their dependencies - without affecting base
Try this command to avoid confusion
conda install -c conda-forge
the above command will install the packages in the system irrespective of the environment.
You can add packages listed in environment.yml file to an existing environment by using the following command
conda env update -n conda-env -f /path/to/environment.yml