Using NASM and Mingw-w64 I've been trying to run the following program which is supposed to print a message to the screen using the Windows API. It runs, but nothing shows on the console and it results in an invalid access to memory location (error code 0x3e6h). Why is that, and how can I get the program to run properly?
global main
extern ExitProcess
extern GetStdHandle
extern WriteFile
section .text
mov rcx, 0fffffff5h
call GetStdHandle
mov rcx, rax
mov rdx, NtlpBuffer
mov r8, NtnNBytesToWrite
mov r9, NtlpNBytesWritten
mov dword [rsp - 04h], 00h
call WriteFile
mov rcx, 00h
call ExitProcess
section .data
NtlpBuffer: db 'Hello, World!', 00h
NtnNBytesToWrite: dd 0eh
section .bss
NtlpNBytesWritten: resd 01h
Compiled by
nasm -f win64 test.asm
gcc -s -o test.exe test.obj