
Disabling the timezone conversion in ExtJS

2020-07-30 00:25发布


When a JavaScript/ExtJS Date object is rendered, the date is always relative to the browser.

E.g the timestamp 4102338600000 would be rendered as 'Thu Dec 31 2099 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)' with IST zoned browser and will be one day less in EST zoned browser.

I tried couple of ways from the articles on the net like offsetting the timezone, etc but don't see straightforward option.

Our application needs uniform date, say in GMT/UTC/other format, irrespective of timezone.

In app code, 100's of places, below is used to render date :

format : 'd-M-Y',

Is there something to do the same thing but with UTC instead local conversion?


Use toUTCString:

var date = new Date(4102338600000);
"Wed, 30 Dec 2099 18:30:00 GMT"


Ext.Date.format returns local date string representations, indeed. There does not seem to be an out-of-the-box way to make it return UTC dates. You can trick it this way though:

var ms2UTCDate = function(ms) {
    var date = new Date(ms);
    return new Date(date.valueOf() + 60000 * date.getTimezoneOffset());
console.log(Ext.Date.format(ms2UTCDate(4102338600000), 'Y-m-d'));

That trick can be burned into Ext.Date.format as follows (don't do this unless you are sure you don't need the original behaviour!):

var originalExtDateFormat = Ext.Date.format;
Ext.Date.format = function(date, format) {
    if (date instanceof Date) {
        date = new Date(date.valueOf() + 60000 * date.getTimezoneOffset());
    return originalExtDateFormat.call(this, date, format);


Probably you could do below :

  1. Send the timestamp to server along with the Timezone details.
  2. On server side, based on the timezone, get the UTC date to save.
  3. While retrieving, send the timezone as in requested params and have the date fetched accordingly for that.

Little lengthy, but should work :-)