Any easy way to use icons from resources?

2019-01-23 11:01发布


I have an C# app. I need to add an icon to that app so i added an icon resource. Adding resource went fine, but is there any way to use my (resource) icon as form icon WITHOUT adding additional code? When i try to use design-time "icon" property of form it seems i have to choose a file, but i want to use embedded icon...

Any help?


choosing that file, will embed the icon in the executable.


1- add the icon to the project resources and rename to icon.

2- open the designer of the form you want to add the icon to.

3- append the InitializeComponent function.

4- add this line in the top :

this.Icon = PROJECTNAME.Properties.Resources.icon;

repeat step 4 for all your forms.


How I load Icons: Using Visual Studio 2010: Go to the project properties, click Add Resource > Existing File, select your Icon.

You'll see that a Resources folder appeared. This was my problem, I had to click the loaded icon (in Resources directory), and set "Copy to Output Directory" to "Copy always". (was set "Do not copy").

Now simply do:

Icon myIcon = new Icon("Resources/myIcon.ico");


Forms maintain separate resource files (SomeForm.Designer.resx) added via the designer. To use icons embedded in another resource file requires codes. (this.Icone = Project.Resources.SomeIcon;)


After adding the ICO file to your apps resources, you can use references it using My.Resources.YourIconNameWithoutExtension

For example if I had a file called Logo-square.ico added to my apps resources, I can set it to an icon with:

NotifyIcon1.Icon = My.Resources.Logo_square


in visual studio for, go to the project properties, click Add Resource > Existing File, select your Icon.

in your code: Me.Icon = My.Resources.IconResourceName


On Form_Load:

this.Icon = YourProjectNameSpace.Resources.YourResourceName.YouAppIconName;