I have a Spark dataframe, originating from Google Analytics, that looks like the following:
id customDimensions (Array<Struct>)
100 [ {"index": 1, "value": "Earth"}, {"index": 2, "value": "Europe"}]
101 [ {"index": 1, "value": "Mars" }]
I also have a "custom dimensions metadata" dataframe that looks like this:
index name
1 planet
2 continent
I'd to use the indexes in the metadata df in order to expand my custom dimensions into columns. The result should look like the following:
id planet continent
100 Earth Europe
101 Mars null
I have tried the following approach, and it works fine, however it is extremely non-performant. I'd like to know if there's a better approach.
# Select the two relevant columns
cd = df.select('id', 'customDimensions')
# Explode customDimensions so that each row now has a {index, value}
cd = cd.withColumn('customDimensions', F.explode(cd.customDimensions))
# Put the index and value into their own columns
cd = cd.select('id', 'customDimensions.index', 'customDimensions.value')
# Join with metadata to obtain the name from the index
metadata = metadata.select('index', 'name')
cd = (cd
.join(metadata, cd.index == metadata.index, 'left')
# Pivot cd so that each row has the id, and we have columns for each custom dimension
piv = cd.groupBy('id').pivot('name').agg(F.first(F.col('value')))
# Join back to restore the other columns
return df.join(piv, df.id == piv.id).drop(piv.id)
- There are up to 250 custom dimension indexes, and the names are only known through the metadata dataframe
- The original dataframe has several other columns that I would like to maintain (hence the join at the end of my solution)