I am trying to port some C++ code from Windows to Solaris(Unix). There are some template code need to be changed. I am using Solaris' compiler CC, g++ should have same issue.
I have a particular part of code introduce some trouble. They are simplified as following:
#include <exception>
#include <cmath>
#include <string>
#include <iostream>
// define the "not implement" error
class tempException: public std::exception
virtual const char* what() const throw()
return "not been implemented!";
} nondeferr;
// the template class
template <typename T>
class A
template <typename Val>
Val getValue(T t) { throw nondeferr; }
double getValue(T t) { return exp( 1.5 * t ); } //Specialize the getValue for double type.
// test code
int main()
A<int> testA;
std::cout << testA.getValue<double>(2) << std::endl;
std::cout << testA.getValue<std::string>(2) << std::endl;
catch (tempException& e)
std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
return 0;
To compile this sample code in UNIX, the compilation error comes out as the explicit specialization cannot be in the class A scope.
Here the getValue function only different from the return type, so we cannot modify it using the overload way.
And for some reason, change class A with simple template variable T to class A with double template variables T and Val is not allowed. It will introduce a lots of changes when we try to use this basic class.
May I know if there is any solution? I am currently remove the getValue function, replace it as getDoubleValue... But that is not so good too.
For those who interested, now the class A looks like this:
template <typename T>
class A
// the Get Value we want
template <typename R>
R getValue(T t) { return get_value_impl<R>::apply(*this, t); }
// the general get value struct
template<typename R, typename = void>
struct get_value_impl
static R apply(A a, T t) { throw nondeferr; }
// partial specialization, which is allowed in std C++
template <typename S>
struct get_value_impl<double, S>
static double apply(A a, T t) { return exp( 1.5 * t ); }
The logic behind is explicit specialization is not allowed in standard. However, partial specialization is allowed. Thanks Anycorn again for the splendid solution.