I wanted to ask that how will we implement a copy constructor of a class which has self pointer to itself as its data member, i want to implement a deep copy,
class City
string name;
City* parent;
City(string nam, double dcov);
City(string nam, double dcov, City* c);
City(const City& obj)
this-> name = obj.name;
// how to assign parent
parent = new City(??)
void setName(string name1);
void setDistanceCovered(int dist);
string getName();
double getDistanceCovered();
City* getParent(){return parent;}
I am confused that this line // how to assign parent
parent = new City(??)
will call constructor again instead of deep copy?
How about
if (obj.parent != NULL)
parent = new City(*obj.parent)
parent = NULL;
This should work unless you have cycles in the parent hierarchy.
The answer of Kristian is perfectly good.
In the case where you do not terminate the chain with a NULL pointer but a reference to self (is it that you are trying to say with "self pointer to itself"?), you can do this:
if(obj.parent == NULL)
parent = NULL;
else if(obj.parent==&obj)
else parent = new City(*obj.parent);
In the case you have cycles that you want to avoid, you need to use a temporary registering map:
class City
string name;
City* parent;
/// The DB to avoid for infinite loops in case of circular references
std::map<const City*,City*>& parents_db()
{ static std::map<const City*,City*> ret;
return ret;
/// The cloning function that make use of the DB
City* clone_parent(const City *_parent)
{ if(_parent)
{ City *& cloned_parent = parents_db()[_parent];
cloned_parent = new City(_parent);
return cloned_parent;
return NULL;
/// The private constructor that make use of the cloning function
City(const City* obj) :
City(string nam, double dcov);
City(string nam, double dcov, City* c);
/// The public constructor that cleans up the DB after cloning the hierarchy
City(const City& obj) :
{ parents_db().clear();
void setName(string name1);
void setDistanceCovered(int dist);
string getName();
double getDistanceCovered();
City* getParent(){return parent;}