I want to integrate the iAd banner below a tableView in a UItableViewController. the goal is to resize the tableview and add to the bottom of the UIViewController, a UITableViewController in this case. I started considering that the adBannerView is a UIView so I wrote the code below and for a UIView, and it worked, but when I try to make same thing happen by replacing it with a ADBannerView it doesn't happen. The ADBanner appeared in the correct position but the tableView resizing is lost.
can somebody try to understand why and help me out to find a better solution. is it feasible without using the footerView?
here the code. At the moment is a static method within a Utils class. Next I'll use it in another context, but you should easily able to test it by yourself
class ViewControllerUtils {
class func showBanner<C:UIViewController where C:ADBannerViewDelegate> ( viewController:C) {
println("*** showBanner isLandscape:\(UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation.isLandscape)")
// you don't care about it for the moment.
var bannerHeight:CGFloat = 50.0
if UIDevice.currentDevice().userInterfaceIdiom == UIUserInterfaceIdiom.Pad{
bannerHeight = 66.0
} else if UIDevice.currentDevice().orientation.isLandscape {
bannerHeight = 32.0
println("bannerHeight: \(bannerHeight)")
// created a local variable in order to update the original frame
var viewFrame = viewController.view.frame
UIView.animateWithDuration(1.0, animations: { () -> Void in
println("viewFrame \(viewFrame)")
viewFrame.size.height -= bannerHeight
viewController.view.frame = viewFrame
println("viewFrame \(viewFrame)")
}) { (ended:Bool) -> Void in
var x = CGPoint(x: viewFrame.origin.x, y: viewFrame.origin.y + viewFrame.size.height)
var bannerFrame = CGRect(origin: x, size: CGSize(width: viewFrame.size.width, height: bannerHeight))
var container = UIView(frame: bannerFrame)
container.backgroundColor = UIColor.redColor()
//without this line it works like expected.
//with it tableview resizing is not applied anymore
container.addSubview(ADBannerView(frame: CGRect(origin: CGPointZero, size: CGSize(width: viewFrame.size.width, height: bannerHeight))))