I'm writing a bootstrap and kernel for myself and both bootstrap and kernel will be burn on a CD-R and will function as a CD-live. It is not a linux CD-Live or something else,is totally my own bootloader and kernel. I do not want to use other booloaders (i.e. GRUB) so please don't suggest me to use them.
Here is my question: In my bootloader ASM code, I want to load my kernel and kernel entry into the RAM from CD-ROM (not from hard disk or floppy disk), and lets assume that we know where the kernel located exactly on the CD-ROM (sector number). As far as I know I have to use int 0x13, AH = 02h which will read sectors from Drive in to the RAM. In order to use this interrupt service,I have to set couple of registers that I'll list bellow: Parameters: AH 02h AL Sectors To Read Count CX Track + Sector / See remark DH Head DL Drive ES:BX Buffer Address Pointer
My problem is about DL and DH.In order to point to 1st hard drive to read from, we can set it to 80h or, for floppy disk we can set it to 00h. But I want to read from CD-ROM and I don't know what values I have to use for DH and DL.
In order to read from CD-ROM couple of sectors into to the RAM is it a right interrupt (int 0x13)? if yes, what value should I have to put for DH and DL.
Regards, Pooria.