I have application with 1 DataGridView, 1 DataTable etc.
My "execute" method (edited):
private void btnRunSQL_click()
string strConnStr = tbConnStr.Text; // connection string from textbox
string strSQL = tbSql.Text; // query from textbox
SqlDataAdapter dataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, strConnStr);
SqlCommandBuilder commandBuilder = new SqlCommandBuilder(dataAdapter);
// clean memory
// dtData DataTable is declared in main form class
dtData = new DataTable();
This is how im checking memory:
public void showMemoryUsage()
Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
this.Text = "Peak memory: " + proc.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1024 / 1024 + "MB";
Application.DoEvents(); // force form refresh
When I run this function multiple times - it uses more and more memory. Im working on very big data set (1000000 rows) and after few big queries I have to restart my app.
After running 1M rows query I have memory use about 900MB, second run 1100MB, 1300MB etc.
I thought re-initalizing DataTable will free my memory, but it does not. So I re-initialized BindingSource (connected with DataGridView), but it not helped too. Finally i commented my BindingSource and DataGridView.
Added later:
Disposing DataAdapter not helped.
I removed DataGridView and binding source. Not helped.
SOLUTION (I merged few answers and created test app without leaks)
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Data.SqlClient;
using System.Diagnostics;
// to run this code you need form and controls:
// TextBox tbConnStr - textbox with SQL Server connection string
// TextBox tbSQL - for SQL query to run/test
// TextBox tbLog - for log display
// Button btnRunSQL with OnClick event set to proper method
// Button btnRunTest with OnClick event set to proper method
namespace Test_datatable
public partial class Form1 : Form
DataTable dt; // i need this global
public Form1()
private void btnRunSQL_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
log("Method starts.");
string strConnStr = tbConnStr.Text;
string strSQL = tbSQL.Text;
using (SqlDataAdapter da = new SqlDataAdapter(strSQL, strConnStr))
using (SqlCommandBuilder cb = new SqlCommandBuilder(da))
if (dt != null)
log("DataTable cleared and disposed.");
dt = new DataTable();
log("DataTable filled.");
log("Method ends.");
tbLog.Text += Environment.NewLine;
// prints time, string and memory usage on textbox
private void log(string text)
tbLog.Text += DateTime.Now.ToString()
+ " " + text + memory() +
Application.DoEvents(); // force form refresh
// returns memory use as string, example: "Memory: 123MB"
private string memory()
Process proc = Process.GetCurrentProcess();
return " Peak memory: " + (proc.PeakWorkingSet64 / 1024 / 1024).ToString() + "MB ";
// test method for 10 runs
private void btnRunTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
btnRunSQL_Click(new object(), new EventArgs());