I am currently saving my object graph in xml file with boost serialization. The library is great, it automatically restores the objects and all member pointers and references.
Problem : I need to have random access to the data ( read just one object, or delete just one object ). With boost serialization the scenario is like this :
--load all objects from file
-- use and modify objects
-- write all objects to archive again
The drawback with this is if only one object changed , I want to write to the archive only that object, and not the entire object graph which is huge.
So I am looking for library which support storing all objects to database, and which also supports boost and stl types. Currently I am using these boost types:
boost multi-index
Smart Ptr ( shared_ptr,weak_ptr,scoped_ptr)
Anyone knows such library or something close to it, or have idea how to go for resolving this problem?