I'm using protobuf3 to represent our data, while we need hbase to store the data, it seems like hbase depends on protobuf2.
When i write the following line to create our hbase table
then I got an Excepiton: NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/protobuf/LiteralByteString
I've tried using gradle's shadow plugin to relocate com.google.protobuf to shadow.google.com, then it throw a similar message NoClassDefFoundError: shadow/google/protobuf/LiteralByteString
- Create a sub-project, and name it 'hbase-wrapper'
- Move the dependencies for hbase to the new project
- Shadow protobuf in the new project
- Add dependency to the sub-project on the main project
Here's some snip code
// part of build.gradle of the sub-project
dependencies {
compile group: 'org.apache.hbase', name: 'hbase-client', version: '1.2.4'
shadowJar {
relocate('com.google.protobuf', 'hbasesaver.google.protobuf')
// part of build.gradle for main project
compile project(path: ':hbase-wrapper', configuration: 'shadow')