js 4.2), and I've got some problems when I manage a toolbar on a grid which use a Proxy (ajax).
this.grid = new Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel',{
region : 'center',
loadMask : true,
layout : 'fit',
store : 'Contenedores',
tbar: [
{ text: 'Exportar Excel' },
{ text:'Buscar', handler: this.buscar, scope: this},
{ text:'Limpiar', handler: this.limpiar, scope: this}
columns : [],
bbar : new Ext.create('Ext.toolbar.Paging',{
store: 'Contenedores', displayInfo: true,
displayMsg : 'Registros {0} - {1} de {2}',
emptyMsg : 'No hay registros'
The problems, I'm having are:
- When I call to store.load(), pagingToolbar doesn't block so I can click on the next page, and when the grid is loaded I get the incorrect page on pagingtoolbar. On Ext js 3 when I se loadMask: true on the grid, the pagingToolbar gets locked when I call store.load().
- If I'm on a page like 2 or higher and I call to store.load(), pagingToolbar doesn't update, after loading, the current page label to 1.
- I need to implement a clean/reset button, so how can I clean the labels on the pagingtoolbar.
thanks in advance.