I have the following xml that stores table definations. How can I loop through each column of the passed tablename (only one occurrence of each table) and their attributes using XDocument (C# 3.5)
Ex: If user passes CurrencySummary, I want to read each column and all it's attributes like HeaderDescription, HeaderName etc.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Column Name="Currency" HeaderDescription="Currency" HeaderName="Currency" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Text" IsHidden = "false" Position="0" Width="100" />
<Column Name="ParamortizedValue" HeaderDescription="Par/amortized value" HeaderName="paramortizedvalue" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Number" IsHidden = "false" Position="1" Width="200" />
<Column Name="PercentBondTotal" HeaderDescription="% of bond total" HeaderName="percentbondtotal" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Number" IsHidden = "false" Position="2" Width="150" />
<Column Name="Calldate" HeaderDescription="Call date" HeaderName="Calldate" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Text" IsHidden = "false" Position="0" Width="100" />
<Column Name="Issue" HeaderDescription="Issue" HeaderName="Issue" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Text" IsHidden = "false" Position="1" Width="100" />
<Column Name="ParamortizedValue" HeaderDescription="Par/amortized value" HeaderName="paramortizedvalue" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Number" IsHidden = "false" Position="2" Width="200" />
<Column Name="PercentBondTotal" HeaderDescription="% of bond total" HeaderName="percentbondtotal" ColumnType="TableColumnType.Number" IsHidden = "false" Position="3" Width="150" />
I am trying to achieve this by: (edited: as per Henk's suggestion)
var doc = XDocument.Load("TableDefinations.xml");
var cols = doc.Descendants("CurrencySummary").First();
foreach (var col in cols.Elements())
foreach (XAttribute at in col.Attributes())
//do something with the at.Name and at.Value
Is this is efficient way or if there is anything better than this?