I understand at a basic level the various moving parts of build.gradle build scripts but am having trouble tying it all together.
In Apache Spark standalone mode, just trying to start a master and worker on the same box from build.gradle. (Later will extend with call with $SPARK_HOME/sbin/start-slaves with the proper argument for masterIP.)
Question: How can I assign my IP address to a variable in Groovy/build.gradle so I can pass it to a command in an Exec task? We want this to run on a couple different development machines.
We have a (I think fairly standard) /etc/hosts config with the FQDN and hostname assigned to The driver gets around this OK but starting master and slaves with hostnames is not an option, I need the ip address.
I am trying:
task getMasterIP (type: Exec){
// declare script scope variable using no def or
executable "hostname"
args += "-I"
// need results of hostname call assigned to script scope variable
sparkMasterIP = <resultsOfHostnameCall>
// added this because startSlave stops if Master is already running
task startSlaveOnly(dependsOn:'getMasterIP', type: Exec){
executable "/usr/local/spark/sbin/start-slave.sh"
args += "spark://$sparkMasterIP:7077"
doLast {
println "enslaved"
// now make startSlave call startSlaveOnly after the initial startMaster
task startSlave(dependsOn:'startMaster', type: Exec) {
finalizedBy 'startSlaveOnly'
When I try something like suggested in the docs for Exec for Groovy calls:
task getMasterIP (type: Exec){
// declare script scope variable using no def or
sparkMasterIP = executable "hostname"
args += "-I"
I get a warning that executable is not recognized.
The " for a little more background on what I am thinking" section, not the main question.
Googling "build.gradle script scope variables" and looking at the first two results, in the basic docs I only see one type of variable and ext properties to be used.
16.4. Declaring variables -- There are two kinds of variables that can be declared in a build script: local variables and extra properties.
But in this other Gradle doc Appendix B. Potential Traps I am seeing two kinds of variables scopes aside from the ext properties:
For Gradle users it is important to understand how Groovy deals with script variables. Groovy has two types of script variables. One with a local scope and one with a script-wide scope.
With this example usage:
String localScope1 = 'localScope1'
def localScope2 = 'localScope2'
scriptScope = 'scriptScope'
I am assuming I should be using script-scope variables with no "def" or type declaration. Totally open to completely different approaches, thanks.