I have an IEnumerable of a base type as my model.
I need to display a different bit of HTML in a list depending on what the concrete type is.
So the resulting list might look similar to this in HTML:
<li class="points">Points - Item 1 - 10 points <a href="#">Remove</a></li>
<li class="media">Media - Item 2 - your_uploaded_image.jpg <a href="#">Remove</a></li>
<li class="content">Content - Item 3 <a href="#">Remove</a></li>
It's likely I will add another type to this later so solutions like the following aren't really what I'm after.
@foreach(var item in Model)
if(item is PointImpl)
var pointItem = item as PointImpl;
<li class="points">Points - @pointItem.Name - @pointItem.Points points <a href="#">Remove</a></li>
else if(item is MediaImpl)
var mediaItem = item as MediaImpl;
<li class="media">Media - @mediaItem.Name - @mediaItem.FileName <a href="#">Remove</a></li>
More implementations
I've had a look at model metadata template hint but that doesn't really help because my model is an IEnumerable..
I was thinking about a custom Html Helper looking at an attribute on the concrete type but think there might be a built in way of doing this?