Griffon 0.9.2-beta-3
after exec "griffon create-app DemoConsole"
cant find the .project, so cant import it into eclipse(sts).
but the docs say that "Griffon automatically creates Eclipse .project and .classpath files for you",
did i miss some step?
solved by :
- griffon integrate-with --eclipse
- griffon install-plugin eclipse-support
- griffon eclipse-update
- eclipse --> import existing project
In STS 2.6 (& probably other Eclipse versions) also need to add a classpath variable.
If you get errors relating to 'unbound classpath variable' and the files concerned start with GRIFFON_HOME/....
Select Eclipse/STS -> Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> Classpath Variables
New ... -> Add 'GRIFFON_HOME' and navigate to location of your Griffon installation.
Confirming this & a rebuild of proj. should clear the errors.
If you want to do this on a per project basis - just right click the project & follow the same procedure under Build Path -> Libraries