Given I have an array:
$array = array(
'a' => array(
'b' => array(
'c' => 'hello',
'd' => array(
'e' => array(
'f' => 'world',
I want to "flatten" it to a single dimension look-up of references, concatenating keys with a delimiter (in the case of this example, a forward slash /
Performing a var_dump()
on a successful output would yield: (note all the references)
array(6) {
&array(1) {
&array(1) {
&string(5) "hello"
&array(1) {
&string(5) "hello"
&string(5) "hello"
&array(1) {
&array(1) {
&string(5) "world"
&array(1) {
&string(5) "world"
&string(5) "world"
array(2) {
&array(1) {
&array(1) {
&string(5) "hello"
&array(1) {
&array(1) {
&string(5) "world"
As it stands, I'm using this:
function build_lookup(&$array, $keys = array()){
$lookup = array();
foreach($array as $key => &$value){
$path = array_merge($keys, (Array) $key);
$lookup[implode('/', $path)] = &$value;
$lookup = array_merge($lookup, build_lookup($value, $path));
return $lookup;
However, I'm trying to improve on it by removing the element of recursion (switching to a stack/pop approach) The problem with doing so is reference preservation, as the typical recursion-to-non-recursion approach of:
$stack = $input;
$current = array_pop($stack);
// do stuff and push to stack;
...fails with references.
I've seen a few similar questions/answers on SO, though none of which dealt appropriately with references (as it wasn't the asker's intent)
Is there a better (read faster) approach here?
The eventual solution (thanks @chris):
* @return array
public function get_lookup_array()
$stack = $lookup = array();
foreach($this->_array as $key => &$value)
$stack[$key] = &$value;
$path = key($stack);
$lookup[$path] = &$stack[$path];
foreach($lookup[$path] as $key => &$value)
$stack[$path . $this->_separator . $key] = &$value;
catch(\Exception $exception)
return false;
return $lookup;