I am looking into setting up a private repo that allows distributing binary .framework
files (so no source code) via Cocoapods.
The actual repo will be hosted on a Git server, just like the Cocoapods page suggests and the actual .framework
files will be hosted on a different server that would allow accessing the .framework
files via HTTPs.
Let's say I add this in the .podspec file:
spec.source = { :http => 'https://myhostserver.com/Releases/v1.0.0/MyLibrary.framework.zip' }
From reading the documentation it's not clear to me what kind of authentication does Cocoapods support for referencing the .framework
file via HTTPs.
I had a look at both
http://guides.cocoapods.org/making/private-cocoapods.html https://guides.cocoapods.org/syntax/podspec.html#source