how to execute a HIVE query in background when the query looks like below
Select count(1) from table1 where column1='value1';
I am trying to write it using a script like below
exec 1> /home/koushik/Logs/`basename $0 | cut -d"." -f1 | sed 's/\.sh//g'`_$(date +"%Y%m%d_%H%M%S").log 2>&1
ST_TIME=`date +%s`
cd $HIVE_HOME/bin
./hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM TABLE1 WHERE COLUMN1 = ''value1'';'
END_TIME=`date +%s`
TT_HRS=$(( TT_SECS / 3600 ))
TT_REM_MS=$(( TT_SECS % 3600 ))
TT_MINS=$(( TT_REM_MS / 60 ))
TT_REM_SECS=$(( TT_REM_MS % 60 ))
printf "\n"
printf "Total time taken to execute the script="$TT_HRS:$TT_MINS:$TT_REM_SECS HH:MM:SS
printf "\n"
but getting error like
FAILED: SemanticException [Error 10004]: Line 1:77 Invalid table alias or column reference 'value1'
let me know exactly where I am doing mistake.
Create a document named example
vi example
Enter the query in the document and save it.
create table sample as
Select count(1) from table1 where column1='value1';
Now run the document using the following command:
hive -f example 1>example.error 2>example.output &
You will get the result as
Now disown the process :
Now the process will run in the background. If you want to know the status of the output, you may use
tail -f example.output
True @Koushik ! Glad that you found the issue.
In the query, bash was unable to form the hive query due to ambiguous single quotes.
Though SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = 'Value1'
is valid in hive,
$hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = 'Value1';'
is not valid.
The best solution would be to use double quotes for the Value1 as
hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "Value1";'
or use a quick and dirty solution by including the single quotes within double quotes.
hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "'"Value1"'";'
This would make sure that the hive query is properly formed and then executed accordingly. I'd not suggest this approach unless you've a desperate ask for a single quote ;)
I am able to resolve it replacing single quote with double quote. Now the modified statement looks like
./hive -e 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM Table1 WHERE Column1 = "Value1";'