If I have a string, lets just say, b a hello b Hi
, how could I split the string by all b
s AFTER the first occurrence of the letter a
As in, it would return ["b a hello", "Hi"]
If I have a string, lets just say, b a hello b Hi
, how could I split the string by all b
s AFTER the first occurrence of the letter a
As in, it would return ["b a hello", "Hi"]
This is documented here: str.rsplit()
sentence = 'b a hello b Hi'
sentence.rsplit('b', 1)
If you note the location of the gate (first 'a') then you can split the string after that point like:
a_string = 'b a hello b Hi'
first_a = a_string.index('a')
a_split = a_string[first_a:].split('b')
a_split[0] = a_string[:first_a] + a_split[0]
a_split = [x.strip() for x in a_split]
['b a hello', 'Hi']
str = 'b a hello b Hi'
str = "b a hello b Hi"
res = str[str.find("a"):].split("b")
res[0] = str[:str.find("a")] + res[0]
print res
# ['b a hello ', ' Hi']
Try this:-
a = "b a hello b Hi"
x = [x for x,y in enumerate(a) if y=='b']
ls = [a[x[0]:x[-1]],a[x[-1]+1:].strip()]
Use the following code
s = 'b a hello b Hi'
i = s.index("a")
s2 = s[i+1:].strip()
l = s2.split(" b ")
In your example result you split the string by ' b ' so I'm going to use that.
a = "b a hello b Hi"
index = a.index('a') + a[a.index('a'):].index(' b ') # That's the index of first ' b '.
# Since split will give 1 empty element at the beginning I exclude that.
result = [a[:index]] + a[index:].split(' b ')[1:]
# ['b a hello', 'Hi']
If you want to split by 'b' then replace them.