I have these 2 files saved under this path:
def method():
return "this is sample method 1"
def method():
return "this is sample method 2"
and then i run this:
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
sc = SparkContext()
spark = SparkSession(sc)
main1 = __import__("main")
print(main1.method()) # this is sample method 1
sc.addPyFile("~/code/sample2/main.py") # Error
The error is
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling o21.addFile. : org.apache.spark.SparkException: File C:\Users\hans.yulian\AppData\Local\Temp\spark-5da165cf-410f-4576-8124-0ab23aba6aa3\userFiles-25a7ca23-84fb-42b7-95d9-206867fb9dfd\main.py exists and does not match contents of /C:/Users/hans.yulian/Documents/spark-test/main2/main.py
Which means that it already have "main.py" file in their temporary folder and the content is different. I wonder if there are any workaround for this case, but for me i have these limitation:
- The file name still have to be "main.py", only folder can be different
- It's okay to somehow purge the temporary folder to add aga
- in another file The only solution i have is by appending random string in front of main.py, for example abcdemain.py and fghijmain.py, then i will import main = __import__("abcdemain"), but this one is not really preferable