I am developing an android app which visualize the map of an environment and currently i am using libgdx to draw the map, also like any map application the user should be capable of zoom, rotate and moving the map,
I have developed a GestureHandler
class which implements GestureListener
interface and interacts with a PerspectiveCamera
(since i will use 3d components in the future):
public boolean pan(float x, float y, float deltaX, float deltaY) {
float tempX = (mapView.getCamera().position.x - deltaX * 0.5f);
float tempY = (mapView.getCamera().position.y + deltaY * 0.5f);
MathUtils.lerp(mapView.getCamera().position.x, tempX, mapView.getCamera().fieldOfView / 100),
MathUtils.lerp(mapView.getCamera().position.y, tempY, mapView.getCamera().fieldOfView / 100),
return false;
float initialDistance = 0;
float initialAngle = 0;
float distance = 0;
private void zoom(Vector2 initialPointer1, Vector2 initialPointer2, Vector2 pointer1, Vector2 pointer2)
initialDistance = initialPointer1.dst(initialPointer2);
float iDeltaX = initialPointer2.x - initialPointer1.x;
float iDeltaY = initialPointer2.y - initialPointer1.y;
initialAngle = (float)Math.atan2((double)iDeltaY,(double)iDeltaX) * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees;
if(initialAngle < 0)
initialAngle = 360 - (-initialAngle);
distance = initialPointer1.dst(pointer2);
float deltaX = pointer2.x - initialPointer1.x;
float deltaY = pointer2.y - initialPointer1.y;
newAngle = (float)Math.atan2((double)deltaY,(double)deltaX) * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees;
if(newAngle < 0)
newAngle = 360 - (-newAngle);
//Log.e("test", distance + " " + initialDistance);
//Log.e("test", newAngle + " " + initialAngle);
float ratio = initialDistance/distance;
mapView.getCamera().fieldOfView = MathUtils.clamp(initialZoomScale * ratio, 1f, 100.0f);
Log.e("zoom", String.valueOf(mapView.getCamera().fieldOfView));
public boolean pinch(Vector2 initialPointer1, Vector2 initialPointer2, Vector2 pointer1, Vector2 pointer2) {
zoom(initialPointer1, initialPointer2, pointer1, pointer2);
float delta1X = pointer2.x - pointer1.x;
float delta1Y = pointer2.y - pointer1.y;
newAngle = (float)Math.atan2((double)delta1Y,(double)delta1X) * MathUtils.radiansToDegrees;
if(newAngle < 0)
newAngle = 360 - (-newAngle);
System.out.println("new "+newAngle);
if(newAngle - currentAngle >= 0.01000f)
else if(newAngle - currentAngle <= -0.010000f) {
if(Math.abs(newAngle - currentAngle) >= 0.01000f)
currentAngle = newAngle;
return true;
Everything is fine until as far as i don't rotate the camera, just like this unsolved similar question after rotating the camera, movements will be affected by applied rotation.Any help specially sample codes?
After lots of efforts i finally solved it, As Tenfour04 said in his answer i had to use two separate matrices for transformation and rotations, and finally set the result of their multiplication to view matrix of camera using:
Also the most important thing is to set the Transformation Matrix of my batch to camera.view