I searched SO, SU, and SP.SE for a solution, but could not find what I needed. I'm looking for a solution which may be a script or some other non-coding method/tool.
I am trying to write a script (to be used by others) or some other form of automation to upload various reports automatically to a SharePoint site. I have managed to get the following (VBScript) code to work, but only for text-based files -- .CSV in this case, though this also works for .TXT, etc.
Option Explicit
Dim sCurPath
sCurPath = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject").GetAbsolutePathName(".")
UploadAllToSP sCurPath
Sub UploadAllToSP(sFolder)
Dim fso, folder, fil
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set folder = fso.GetFolder(sFolder)
For Each fil In folder.Files
If fso.GetExtensionName(fil) = "csv" Then
UploadFileToSP fil
End If
End Sub
Sub UploadFileToSP(ofile)
Dim xmlhttp
Dim sharepointUrl
Dim sharepointFileName
Dim tsIn
Dim sBody
Set tsIn = ofile.openAsTextstream
sBody = tsIn.readAll
sharepointUrl = "http://SHAREPOINT URL HERE"
sharepointFileName = sharepointUrl & ofile.name
set xmlHttp = createobject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP.4.0")
xmlhttp.open "PUT", sharepointFileName, false
xmlhttp.send sBody
If xmlhttp.status < 200 Or xmlhttp.status > 201 Then
wscript.echo "There was a problem uploading " & ofile.name & "!"
End If
End Sub
This only works for text files because it pipes the text data into a file on the SP site. However, if I want to transfer any kind of binary file (.XLS, .PDF), this results in garbage being uploaded.
I tried to take a look at a Shell.Application
==> .Namespace()
, but this doesn't seem to work with a URL, but only a physical drive. Here's some of what else I tried (trimmed to show relevant pieces):
Set oApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
If oApp.NameSpace(sharepointUrl) <> Null then ' Always Null!
' Copy here
' Some lines omitted
oApp.NameSpace(sharepointUrl).CopyHere ofile.Name ' This also fails when not surrounded by the Null check
MsgBox "SharePoint directory not found!"
End If
I also tried a batch file using xcopy, but that can't connect to the http://
either. I looked at this method, which may work for me, but I'd prefer not to deal with mapping/NET USE
, since our company has multiple network shares, the mapping for which varies depending on who's logged in.
Since none of these work quite the way I need: Is there a method to automate this kind of functionality?
I have experience with VBA/VBscript, so either a script like the above, or something built in to an MS Office application (Outlook is best, but I can probably adapt whatever I am given) would be preferable. That being said, I am open to any method that would allow me to do this, running natively in Windows or Office. However, I do not have access to Visual Studio, so I can't use any .NET functionality.