I'm using PDF-Renderer to view PDF files within my java application. It's working perfectly for normal PDF files.
However, i want the application to be able to display encrypted PDF files. The ecrypted file will be decrypted with CipherInputStream, but i do not want to save the decrypted data on disk. Am trying to figure a way i can pass the decryted data from CipherInputStream to the PDFFile constructor without having to write the decryted data to file.
I will also appreciate if someone can help with a link to PDF-Renderer tutorial, so that i can read up more on it.
Try the following class:
import com.sun.pdfview.PDFFile;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.channels.Channels;
import java.nio.channels.ReadableByteChannel;
public class PDFFileUtility {
private static final int READ_BLOCK = 8192;
public static PDFFile getPDFFile(InputStream in) throws IOException {
ReadableByteChannel bc = Channels.newChannel(in);
ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(READ_BLOCK);
while (bc.read(bb) != -1) {
bb = resizeBuffer(bb); //get new buffer for read
return new PDFFile(bb);
private static ByteBuffer resizeBuffer(ByteBuffer in) {
ByteBuffer result = in;
if (in.remaining() < READ_BLOCK) {
result = ByteBuffer.allocate(in.capacity() * 2);
return result;
So call: