
Doctrine Dbal: How to set collation? (in Symfony2)

2020-07-24 04:47发布


I'm used to creating the PDO object with something like this in the 4th parameter (driver options):

array(\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => "SET NAMES {$this->charset} COLLATE {$this->collation}")

How can I tell symfony 2 to do this? In the configuration file I can only see a 'charset' option.

I also need to create all the tables with a specific collation: utf8_unicode_ci

What can I do to have all the tables created through the command line be created with that collation instead of latin1?


I have been facing the same problem. It seems that has to do with DBAL configuration. I have found in the PDO documentation the following under the PDO_MYSQL DSN — Connecting to MySQL databases:

charset Currently ignored.


My solution was to apply the collation manually at the database level. Then all tables created in Symfony2 with the schema update command will have the correct collation.

I also added this line to my Sf2 doctrine: dbal configuration in the config.yml:

    charset: utf8