I'm trying to flesh out a wikitext-to-HTML translator in ANTLR 3, but I keep getting stuck.
Do you know of a working example that I can inspect? I tried the MediaWiki ANTLR grammar and the Wiki Creole grammar, but I can't get them to generate the lexer & parser in ANTLR 3.
Here are the links to two grammars I've tried using:
- http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Markup_spec/ANTLR
- http://www.wikicreole.org/wiki/EBNFGrammarForCreole1.0
I can't get any of these two to generate my Java Lexer and Parser. (I'm using ANTLR3 as Eclipse plugin). MediaWiki takes a looong time to build and then at some point it throws an OutOfMemory exception. The other one has errors in it which I don't know how to debug.
EDIT: Okay I've got a very basic grammar:
grammar wikitext;
options {
//output = AST;
//ASTLabelType = CommonTree;
output = template;
language = Java;
document: line (NL line?)*;
line: horizontal_line | list | heading | paragraph;
/* horizontal line */
horizontal_line: HRLINE;
/* lists */
list: unordered_list | ordered_list;
unordered_list: '*'+ content;
ordered_list: '#'+ content;
/* Headings */
heading: heading1 | heading2 | heading3 | heading4 | heading5 | heading6;
heading1: H1 plain H1;
heading2: H2 plain H2;
heading3: H3 plain H3;
heading4: H4 plain H4;
heading5: H5 plain H5;
heading6: H6 plain H6;
/* Paragraph */
paragraph: content;
content: (formatted | link)+;
/* links */
link: external_link | internal_link;
external_link: '[' external_link_uri ('|' external_link_title)? ']';
internal_link: '[[' internal_link_ref ('|' internal_link_title)? ']]' ;
external_link_uri: CHARACTER+;
external_link_title: plain;
internal_link_ref: plain;
internal_link_title: plain;
/* bold & italic */
formatted: bold_italic | bold | italic | plain;
bold_italic: BOLD_ITALIC plain BOLD_ITALIC;
bold: BOLD plain BOLD;
italic: ITALIC plain ITALIC;
/* Plain text */
plain: (CHARACTER | SPACE)+;
* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
HRLINE: '---' '-'+;
H1: '=';
H2: '==';
H3: '===';
H4: '====';
H5: '=====';
H6: '======';
BOLD_ITALIC: '\'\'\'\'\'';
BOLD: '\'\'\'';
ITALIC: '\'\'';
NL: '\r'?'\n';
CHARACTER : '!' | '"' | '#' | '$' | '%' | '&'
| '*' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/'
| ':' | ';' | '?' | '@' | '\\' | '^' | '_' | '`' | '~'
| '0'..'9' | 'A'..'Z' |'a'..'z'
| '\u0080'..'\u7fff'
| '(' | ')'
| '\'' | '<' | '>' | '=' | '[' | ']' | '|'
SPACE: ' ' | '\t';
It's not clear for me though how one would go about outputting HTML. I've been looking into StringTemplate, but I don't understand how to structure my templates. Specifically, which template goes where in the grammar. Can you help me with a short example?