Having a list:
I can print it like this:
for i in x:
print i
However, as I've found out, it's a bit faster to just use one print statement, like this (below is how I got to this point):
print "\n".join( i.__class__==string and i or str(i) for i in x )
Given that I want to use the second option and that I would like the output to be something like (I would also like to include a counter):
v1: s v2: 2 v3: 3 etc
Here is what I've tried:
print (("v"+str(++count)).join(":%s "% i for i in x ) )
result is::s, v0:2, v0:3, v0:4, v0:5, v0:6,
Really not what I'm aiming for.
a) str(++count) prints nothing, count++ gives synthax error
b) first v
is nowhere to be found, since join
in this case adds separators and there is no need for the first element
print ( ["v"+str(++count)+ ":%s, "% i for i in x ] )
Gives ['v0:s, ', 'v0:2, ', 'v0:3, ', 'v0:4, ', 'v0:5, ', 'v0:6, ']
Better, but still no counter
and I don't want the []
being shown
3) Scratch all and restart:
print ",".join(i for i in x )
cannot concatenate string
and int
so it becomes:
print ",".join(i.__class__==string and i or str(i) for i in x )
which gives:
And here is where I'm stuck.