I am using aspectc++ to generate control flow of the program.
#ifndef __trace_ah__
#define __trace_ah__
#include <cstdio>
// Control flow tracing example
aspect trace {
// print the function name before execution starts
pointcut virtual methods() = "% ...::%(...)";
advice execution (methods()) : before () {
cout << "entering: " << JoinPoint::signature() << endl;
// print input parameters**
advice execution(methods()) : after() {
// print output parameters**
cout << "leaving: " << JoinPoint::signature() << endl;
//prints return values of non void functions
advice execution("% ...::%(...)" && !"void ...::%(...)") : after()
JoinPoint::Result res = *tjp->result();
cout << "leaving " << tjp->signature()<< " << returning value--" << res<<endl;
1.How to print the variables itself that are passed as arguments to the functions ?
2.How do I print the input parameters values of each function ?