I am using Rails3 with jQuery and attempting to do simple ajax calls. I have a link that displays the current status (online/offline) of an application. When clicked it will update the status.
link_to app.status, { :controller => :apps, :action => :live_status, :id => app }, {:remote => true, :class => "#{app.status} status"}
$(this).parent().html("<%= escape_javascript(status_link(@wowza_app)) %>");
status_link will return the updated link_to
However $(this) isn't working how I envision. How can I update the clicked status with the new status?
you should use a selector. When you have that code interpreted in the ajax response, jQuery doesn't know what "this" are you referring. Better use something like:
$('#my-special-div').parent().html("<%= escape_javascript(status_link(@wowza_app)) %>");
$('#my-special-div').hide(2000, function () {
$(this).remove(); // here jQuery knows you are talking about 'my-special-div'
You should give the element you want to update an ID (I added an element to the hash at the very end):
link_to app.status, { :controller => :apps, :action => :live_status, :id => app }, {:remote => true, :class => "#{app.status} status", :id => app.id}
Now, you can use that same identifier to select the right element with jQuery:
$("#<%= @wowza_app.id %>").fadeOut();
$("#<%= @wowza_app.id %>").parent().html("<%= escape_javascript(status_link(@wowza_app)) %>");
$("#<%= @wowza_app.id %>").fadeIn();
Of course, this assumes that @wowza_app
has a method called id
that returns the same ID of the link, but you can modify the variables as necessary to select the element with the right ID.