I have a single app, but depending of user's choice, it will be monitored totally separated in google analytics, so I NEED to set "ga_trackingId" for EasyTracker programmatically.
I've tried EasyTracker.getTracker().setAppId(id)
with no luck.
I have a single app, but depending of user's choice, it will be monitored totally separated in google analytics, so I NEED to set "ga_trackingId" for EasyTracker programmatically.
I've tried EasyTracker.getTracker().setAppId(id)
with no luck.
For changing the id for the EasyTracker, do this:
EasyTracker.getInstance(this).set(Fields.TRACKING_ID, "<your_ga_id");
The accepted answer didn't work for me, as I saw this in my logs:
`W/GAV3﹕ Thread[main,5,main]: Missing tracking id (&tid)`
The solution for analytics v3 is:
EasyTracker tracker = EasyTracker.getInstance(getContext());
tracker.set("&tid", "UA-XXXX-2");
Calling it this way got rid of the error and I can see my events on the analytics page.
You can have two different config xml files and set it like this:
Note, that you are passing xml file, not the trackingId file:
Note the difference xml.app_tracker vs string.ga_trackingId!
Use xml.app_tracker
configuration file!
GoogleAnalytics ga = GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(getActivity());
tracker = ga.getTracker(getString(R.string.ga_trackingId));
I didn't try it myself, but from description in here, you can create a new tracker by
Context mCtx = this; // Get current context.
GoogleAnalytics myInstance = GoogleAnalytics.getInstance(mCtx.getApplicationContext());
Tracker myNewTracker = myInstance.getTracker("UA-XXXX-2") // A new tracking ID.
i found myInstance.setDefaultTracker(myNewTracker);
not working. I did this instead:
Set up a common library project. Each apk project gets a analytics.xml in res\values folder with its unique id.
In values folder create xml file which name is analytics.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Replace placeholder ID with your tracking ID -->
<string name="ga_trackingId">UA-37995114-1</string>
<!-- Enable automatic activity tracking -->
<bool name="ga_autoActivityTracking">true</bool>
<!-- Enable automatic exception tracking -->
<bool name="ga_reportUncaughtExceptions">true</bool>
Add new V2 library file(jar file)
link :- https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/android/v2/events
I Hop its useful to you.