How to extract database of an application from android device through adb shell command?
How to extract database of an application from android device through adb shell command?
Databases are stored in files, mostly on internal storage, in App's data directory like :
so you can do
adb pull /data/data/com.example.myapp/mydb
Then you can use some software to open that file, and work with data base. To place it back:
adb push <new file> /data/data/com.example.myapp/mydb
If you have neither SD card nor root on your device, just use adb shell.
$ adb shell
$ run-as com.your.package cat /data/data/com.your.package/databases/your_db > /storage/sdcard0/Download/your.db
Then use DDMS to pull file out.
AFAIK you can fetch databases only from Android Emulator, not from real device (unless the device is rooted).
To do so, simply go to DDMS --> File Explorer --> data --> data --> your package name -- > databases
Your database should be inside databases folder
Once you select your database, you will see two icons on the upper tab wherein you can push or pull the database.
I dont think u can extract extract database from device, but yes you can extract it from emulator from DDMS > File Explorer > data > data > package > databases